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Academic Clubs

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Accounting Club

The purpose of this club is to engage students in the profession of accounting through association with NJCPA and speakers from local accounting firms.

Computer Science Club

This club will serve to enhance the knowledge of Computer Science majors and programming hobbyists; to provide programming experience in a team environment to its members; and to create practical programs that will aid members of the larger community.

Criminal Justice Club

This is an organization for students interested in learning more about the area of law enforcement.

Education Club

This organization is designed to provide information, resources, and networking opportunities for students interested in education as a career. Members are given avenues of career exploration in educational administration and teaching as they discuss the future of education.

Engineering Club

The Engineering Club was created to enhance and apply the engineering academic curriculum with a focus on, but not limited to, community service and career networking.

Entrepreneurial Club

The purpose of the Entrepreneurial Club is to provide further appreciation and opportunities for 365球赛平台 students to develop vocational and career supportive competencies.  The club is committed to promoting civic and personal responsibilities throughout the entrepreneurial network in the local community.

FBLA Collegiate (formerly PBL)

The purpose of FBLA Collegiate is to advance the academic and professional knowledge of its members, sponsor social and professional activities, promote closer association with the business community and seek job opportunities for its members.  All majors are encouraged to join.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

The mission of HOSA is to empower future health professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience.

History Club

This club provides a forum for students interested in the discussion and study of history.

Hospitality Club

This club provides awareness to the world of hospitality and offers its members engaging experiences through travel and organized tours.

insite Club

The purpose of insite is to create and make public works of art for the 365球赛平台 community, and to promote and create dialogue and understanding of public art projects.

Literature Club

A club for those who have an interest in literature, whether it be from the past or present. This club discusses the classics and contemporaries. Members range from English majors to book lovers and writers.

Math Club

The purpose of this club is to further the appreciation of Mathematics and share interests and knowledge on related Math issues. Problem-solving sessions, puzzle/game workshops, videos, and presentations are provided for exploration of a variety of Math topics. Both faculty and student presentations explore academic and career opportunities.

Philosophy Club

This club has been organized to discuss current events from a philosophical and contemporary point of view and to arrive at conclusions, if possible.  Movies, guest speakers, and interaction with other organizations are used in conjunction with presenting discussions.

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club stimulates, encourages, and recognizes scholarship and interest in psychology.

Science Club

This club shall strive to provide a valuable resource to students of 365球赛平台 via a system based on quality leadership and teamwork.  It will provide opportunities for intellectual and social growth, academic achievement, recreational activities, and the development of community.

Sign Language Society (ITP)

Promotes interest and awareness in deaf society through the use of American Sign Language. Also, to provide greater opportunities for Interpreter Training Program students to network and improve signing skills.

Social Work Club

The Social Work Club is organized to bring together students interested in the social work professions in a social and academic atmosphere, and is designed to aid their personal and professional development.

Student Nurses Organization (SNO)

This is an organization to which all nursing students belong.  Prospective nursing students and others interested in learning more about the nursing profession may also be involved.  SNO brings information of national professional organizations to the students who are encouraged to become members of the National Student Nurse Association (NSNA) as a stepping stone to graduate professional organizations.